• 깻잎

    Often translated from Korean as sesame leaves. The flavor of perilla, grassy with notes of anise or licorice, is pleasing like any other herb. The real advantage is its size. You can do more with the bigger leaves than just chop them up and use them as a garnish. Flown by air.

    Cook Note:

    Perilla leaves can be stir-fried with garlic and veggies, deep-fried in a batter of flour and eggs, pickled or marinated, or used as wrappers. Or any combination of these things, like wrapping something in perilla then battering it and deep-frying in oil. Perfect for wrapping the leaves around rice and bits of seasoned fish or pieces of grilled meat. KRCVG23994 Perilla Leaf – Ketnip Vegetables Freshis Chilled 40 45g 깻잎

    AED 12.00


    AED 12.00
  • 김밥단무지

    Is pickled radish good for you?
    The good thing about them is you eat them raw preserving all their nutritional value. Radishes are a great source of fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and calcium. They are good for your digestive system and can help relieve bloating or indigestion. … I can eat a whole bowl full of sweet and sour pickled radishes. KRCPI24319 Sliced Pickle Radish For Kimbab Pickle Singram Chilled 8809053270062 18 400g 김밥단무지

    AED 12.00


    AED 12.00
  • 백설 햇바삭김 김밥/일식요리용20g

    For making gimbap, seaweed sheets need to be slightly thick to be able to hold the rice and all the fillings.

    AED 13.00
  • 김밥김 스시노리 50 SHT

    1 percent all natural roasted Sushi Nori seaweed, 5 Sheets in a vacuum packed. Perfect for rolling Sushi, Gimbap Roll.
    KRDST24387 Yakinori – Sea Laver Seaweed POOM Dry 100 125g 김밥김 스시노리 50 SHT

    AED 39.00
  • AED 14.00
  • sale

    통단무지 (야마부끼) Exp.D. 9/21/2024

    You can slice it thinly and serve as a side dish to enjoy with your steamed rice and other dishes. The older, pungent takuan is sometimes added to stir-fries or braised dishes as it adds a sour note to the dish. JPCPI04875 Takuwan (Yamabuki) L (Pickled Radish) Pickle Miyazaki Nosan Chilled 4908851000032 20 650g 다꽝, 일본 단무지 (야마부끼) 김밥

    AED 15.00AED 19.00
  • 카카오프렌즈 집에서 만드는 삼각김밥용 김

    Kakao friends Roasted Kimbab Seaweed (Frame) – W Salt KRDST29219 Kakao friends Roasted Kimbab Seaweed (Frame) – W Salt 카카오프렌즈 집에서 만드는 삼각김밥용 김 8809395756323 kwangcheonkim

    AED 33.00

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