• 반건시 선물세트

    Half Dried Persimmon KRFFR28072 Half Dried Persimmon 반건시 선물세트 KRFFR28072 Dongbu

    AED 270.00
  • AED 210.00
  • 유메 니시키 쌀

    JPDGR12704 Yume Nishiki Rice Grains Yume Nishiki Dry 4006599000687 1 10kg 유메 니시키 쌀

    AED 199.00
  • 문경 건 오미자

    KRDVG24978 Dried Omija (Schizandra) Vegetables SSD Food Dry 30 300g 문경 건 오미자

    AED 154.00
  • 당진쌀 한국쌀

    Dangjin Rice KRDGR24389 Dangjin Rice Grains Dangjin Dry 8809529780101 1 10kg 당진쌀

    AED 120.00

    당진쌀 한국쌀

    AED 120.00
  • 고미 쌀 15kg 고시히카리 자포니카 쌀

    Japonica Komi Rice 고미 쌀 15kg from Vietnam
    AED 99.00
  • 홈티엠 흑마늘

    • HOMTIEM Black Garlic originates from Southeast Asia, it is made from fermented single clove garlic under carefully controlled temperature and humidity for 90 days. This process increases the taste in terms of sweetness and the texture to mimic a jelly-like or a dried fruit that is completely different from a raw pungent garlic
    • Black garlic contains more benefits than fresh or normal garlic, the antioxidant properties are also two times the amount.
    • We recommend consuming our HOMTIEM Black Garlic on an empty stomach, preferably before breakfast, as it gives you a healthy start and does not irritate the stomach. For a homeostatis effect, consume 1-2 cloves per day.
    • Black Garlic is a health food that is ready to eat or can be used as an added ingredient to various dishes or recipes. You can use our Black Garlic to create a new menu, mix with your favorite salads, trail mix or any other recipes you deem fit
    • HOMTIEM Black Garlic contains no added additives during or through the production process, it is also certified by GMP and HACCP Standards
    AED 78.00
  • 대나무잎

    Are bamboo leaves poisonous to humans?These tender young shoots are the only part of the bamboo plant that can be made edible to humans. … Pandas and golden lemurs have evolved ways to process cyanide and can ingest enough bamboo to kill several men each day, but even young shoots are too toxic for human consumption.

    AED 62.00


    AED 62.00
  • AED 60.00
  • AED 55.00
  • AED 55.00

    당진쌀 4KG

    AED 55.00
  • AED 55.00
  • AED 55.00
  • AED 53.00
  • sale
    AED 50.00AED 107.50
  • AED 50.00
  • 냉동 토란

    Taro (Colocasia esculenta), also called eddo or dasheen, is a tropical plant native to Southeast Asia that produces a starchy root vegetable with a brown outer skin and a white flesh with purple specks. Although commonly referred to as “taro root,” the vegetable is technically not a root but an underground stem.
    Taro has a similar starchy texture to that of a normal white potato, but with a mildly sweet, nutty flavor similar to sweet potatoes. Some popular ways to eat them are as yogurt, ice cream, milk tea, smoothies, and for soups or stews.
    It contains a lot of nutrition like carbohydrates, dietary fiber, magnesium, potassium, vitamin E, vitamin B6, and vitamin C.


    Frozen Taro KRFVG27764 Frozen Taro 냉동 토란 요요 꿀호떡 8809415401349 0

    AED 50.00

    냉동 토란

    AED 50.00
  • 마사고 아라레

    Masago Arare is puffed rice in the shape of pearls. Azuma Foods Masago Arare is roasted instead of being fried, which gives it a distinctive crunchy texture as well as being healthier
    AED 46.00
  • 고미 쌀 5kg 고시히카리 자포니카 쌀

    Japonica Komi Rice 고미 쌀 from Vietnam
    AED 36.00
  • 후박나무 잎

    The magnolia leaf is briefly washed then dried with an absorbing paper. Hoba means magnolia leaf in Japanese and the dried hoba leaf is soaked then used to cook the sweet miso mixture over fire.

    AED 34.00

    후박나무 잎

    AED 34.00
  • 새송이버섯 (소포장)

    It has unique and meaty texture. Sesongy Eryngii you can enjoy them by sautéeing and serving with grilled meat but there are also many other ways to enjoy them. One of the most common ways to eat saesongi in Korea is thinly slicing and grilling them. Most Koreans do this when they have BBQ. How to store: Wrap them in a paper towel and keep in the refrigerator. They can be stored longer than other mushrooms but try to consume them as soon as possible. Saesongi can be frozen. KRCVG05377 Sesongy Eryngii, King Oyster Mushroom Vegetables Korea Chilled 200091300000 10 400g 새송이버섯 (소포장)

    AED 33.60
  • AED 31.00


    AED 31.00
  • 옛날볶음참깨

    They add a wonderful, toasted nuttiness to many Korean dishes, and are particularly important in giving vegetarian dishes an extra dimension of flavor. K

    AED 31.00


    AED 31.00
  • 건취나물

    Dried Chwinamul KRDVG28501 Dried Chwinamul 건취나물 KRDVG28501 Freshis

    AED 30.00


    AED 30.00
  • Halalsale

    54% 누룩 Exp.D. 8/31/2024

    Miyako Koji JPDGR26708 Miyako Koji Grains Isesou Dry 4970085011887 10 1kg Miyako Koji

    AED 30.00AED 65.00

    54% 누룩 Exp.D. 8/31/2024

    AED 30.00AED 65.00
  • 태국 흑미 찹쌀

    Also known as Sticky Black Rice, Thai Black Glutinous Rice is made from whole grain of traditional sticky rice used for sweet and savory Asian dishes. It has a natural black color, nutty and creamy flavor and sticky texture when cooked. It’s packed with nutrients and has a lot of health benefits.
    Make sure to soak with water for at least 4 hours or overnight to cook evenly.

    AED 29.00
  • 라이스베리 라이스

    Riceberry rice is known for its nutritional properties and various medical benefits. It’s a long grain rice that has a reddish-black color and turns purplish-black when cooked. Perfect to eat with stir-fries, curries, broths or a side for pan-seared steak and a salad.
    Cook it just like a jasmine rice.

    AED 27.00
  • AED 21.24
  • 건무말랭이

    Dried Radish Slices KRDVG28502 Dried Radish Slices 건무말랭이 KRDVG28502 Freshis

    AED 20.00


    AED 20.00
  • Chua hah Seng Tamarind Seedless 400g

    Chua hah Seng Tamarind Seedless 400g THDDR26128 Chua hah Seng Tamarind Seedless 400g Chua hah Seng Tamarind Seedless 400g 러빙홈 찜기용 면보(대) 57*57cm 8852391090090 Chua Hah Seng

    AED 19.00

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