• Corn soup with soybean

    Classic Hokkaido winter food.

    Make the best out of the colder winter months with a cup of Hokkai Yamato’s Hokkaido Corn Soup. Also commonly known as ‘corn potage’, this soup combines sweetcorn, other vegetables, soy milk and spices to make a luxurious instant soup that is free from GMOs and contains no dairy or MSG. Make this soup in just one minute and warm up just like the Hokkaido natives.

    AED 19.00
  • Tomato cream soup with soybean

    Is it bad to eat tomato soup everyday?
    A diet rich in lycopene fights chronic diseases, including stroke, according to Harvard Health Publications. As of October 213, there is no established recommended daily intake for lycopene, but consuming 1 milligrams daily might offer health benefits, notes Harvard.


    AED 22.00

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