• Grape Juice

    1% grape juice. Black current is the most popular anthocyanin in berry, a type of polyphenol. It is listed as one of the ‘Superfood’ as it is high in nutrients and other health benefits!Black current polyphenols help to brighten up skin dullness and make the eyes look bright and youthful. Helps improve vision as well.

    AED 17.00

    Grape Juice

    AED 17.00
  • Japanese White Peach Juice

    1% straight white peach juice. White peach beverage stick to more taste of pristine. The white peach domestic are blended, and finished in flesh enough feeling. Like it is the taste, such as whether to eat as it is the fruit of peach. Gentle sweetness and peach aroma spreads mouth full, is a popular beverage for children. JPCBV24135 Japanese White Peach Juice Beverage Junzosen Chilled 4993199100926 20 180ml 일본의 흰 복숭아 주스

    AED 12.00
  • Japanese Apple Juice

    straight apple juice; apple juice taste the remains more natural. JPCBV24134 Japanese Apple Juice Beverage Junzosen Chilled 4993199100865 20 180ml 일본 사과 주스

    AED 14.00

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