• Original Tteokbokki

    KRFIN24667 Original Ttopoki Instant Food MIMINE Frozen 8809725110245 20 570g 오리지널 미미네 국물떡볶이

    AED 40.00
  • Halal

    Yopokki Spicy Topokki Halal

    ‘- Easy microwave recipe :
    1. Open the lid and tear the rice pasta package and sauce bag open.
    2. Add 20 ml of water to the rice pasta and sauce in the container, mix well, slightly put the lid on and cook in the microwave.
    3. Microwave for 1min~1min 30secs at 1000W or 2mins~2mins 30secs at 700w.

    – Recommended microwave cooking time
    1,000w : from 1 min to 1 mins and 30 secs
    700w : from 2 mins to 2 mins and 30 secs
    ※ Adjust cooking times depending on your microwave’s wattage. KRDIN25773 Yopokki Spicy Topkki Instant Food Youngpoong Dry 8809054401526 30 140g 요뽀끼 화끈하고 매운 떡볶이 컵

    AED 11.00
  • Halal

    Yopokki Original Topokki

    요뽀끼 매콤달콤 떡볶이 컵 KRDIN25771 Yopokki Original Topokki Instant Food Youngpoong Dry 8809054401519 30 140g 요뽀끼 매콤달콤 떡볶이 컵

    AED 11.00
  • Halal
    AED 11.00
  • POOM Tteokbokki Ricecake

    떡 제품류 생산시 상태 유지를 위해 산화제 코팅 (시큼한 향이 남) 을 하게 됩니다. 떡류를 (떡국,떡볶이 등) 조리 하실땐 물에 충분히 담군 후 헹궈드시면 향도 없애고 부드러운 떡을 드실 수 있습니다.

    Rice Cakes contain food preservative agents that make them soft and tender. It has a strong smell that also makes it sour in taste. Before cooking, rinse the rice cakes in water to eliminate the sour flavor.

    AED 12.00
  • Halal

    Ttopokki Hot Sauce (Halal)

    * The longer the product is being stored, the darker it will get. It is the phenomenon that is being caused by the aging process and it is totally safe for consumption.
    * 오래 될수록 색이 진해지고 가스가 생생될 수 있으나 숙성에 의한 현상이므로 안심하고 드십시오 KRDGO27058 Ttopokki Hot Sauce (Halal)  Gochujang Daesang Dry 8801052039855 20 300g 떡볶이 고추장 (Halal)

    AED 18.00
  • AED 43.00
  • Korean Topokki Sauce NO.1.5 Sweet and salty

    미쓰리 떡볶이 분말소스 1.5 Every Body

    AED 13.00

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